Difference in high bandwidth usage

Asked by:
Jellybean / 13 Points
2015-02-21 4:44 pm EST
General Server Setup
I am trying to investigate rather high resource usage of my website. I think part of it is due to about 11 gig a month bandwidth transfer. The strange thing is however, when I try to check using awstats or access log I do not nearly get to the 11 GB. More a couple of hundred megabytes.

Could anyone explain to me what the difference is between the bandwidth chart and the other data from awstats, webalizer, visitor info. Or how this difference could exist?
They do not sum up to the same usage.....

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16,266 Points
2015-02-24 4:57 am EST

Thank you for your question on account resource usage. As there is no bandwidth limit for our accounts, you would not get a notice about that. You may be referring to resource usage, which is more of how much of the CPU you are using within a given time. We have an article to assist with explaining resource usage that may help.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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