Install Zend Framework

Asked by:
nomo / 8 Points
2011-09-14 8:13 am EST
General Server Setup
I signed up for a rental server becuase I would like to host some php program, but I was told that I have to install Zend Framework myself. How can I do so? is there any instruction?

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


1,846 Points
2011-09-14 2:32 pm EST
Hi nomo,

Zend should already be installed on our servers. You can find more details on this at the following link:
Is Zend Optimizer and PHP5 on our server?

I will say that while I'm quite comfortable with PHP, my direct experience with Zend is limited. Even though, if you have further questions, be sure to post in the comments and I'll be more than happy to dig into this a little further for you.

- Brad

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