Optimize Press Server Minimum Requirements

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2018-02-15 12:23 pm EST
General Server Setup
Hi There,
Does my server setup accommodate the following requirements for installing the OptimizePress theme?
Your server/hosting must be running PHP 5.3 or above
MySQL 5.0 or greater
WordPress 3.6 or above
PHP Shortcodes must be enabled
cURL must be enabled
The mod_rewrite Apache module
Memory limit set up at least 64MB
upload_max_filesize at least 35MB
No firewalls blocking access from our licensing server (this is used to validate your license)
Please check you also have permissions to write to the theme/plugin folder
open function enabled on server (not required in all cases but recommended if you have issues)

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12,339 Points
2018-02-15 5:37 pm EST

Thank you for your question regarding using Optimize Press on our servers. Yes, this looks like standard requirements that our servers can meet. Let us know if you have any further questions or issues.

Thank you,

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