How can Google Tag Manager be added to a concrete5 web site?

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2017-04-17 11:05 pm EST
I would like to install Google Tag Manager on my concrete5 web site, which uses the crimson theme, but I do not know how to add the html script in the correct place on the web page.

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16,266 Points
2017-04-17 11:35 pm EST

Although we cannot guarantee support with third party products such as plugins on Content Management Systems, we can certainly try to help. Are you getting any error messages? Can you provide the instructions that you are following? If so, which specific step are you getting stuck on?

Keep in mind, CMS programs like Concrete5 often do not have specific pages for you to edit. This is often the case when code is needed for the header area of a page. If it goes into the body area, then editing the normal content area should be fine.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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