How do I sell my e-book through the Premium Website Builder?

Asked by:
profitcap / 20 Points
2012-01-03 10:28 pm EST
I'm creating a website to sell a single e-book. I've created most of the website using the site buider. I've put a Paypal buy now button on the site by copying and pasting the Paypal HTML code onto the site. I know I must upload the e-book to my site. But how? FTP? How do I connect the website, the ebook, and the buy now button into one unit to sell the e-book?

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Timothy S.
741 Points
2012-01-03 10:37 pm EST
Hi profitcap,

Thanks for posting your question. I'm more than happy to assist you. In the premium website builder there's an e-shop. This will allow you to configure your payment system such as the e-book. However, it does not support the sale of digital products.

There are other shopping cart systems available that do support digital products though. Most shopping carts like OpenCart will allow you to sell digital products such as e-books. You may want to look at using a solution like that.

If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us.


Tim S

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