Opencart Product Option Value Limit

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-10-10 5:51 am EST
Im attempting to add color option values to a product in opencart. It won't allow me to add all of the colors. Is this a hard limit that Im confronting or is there an add-on that I can pay for to give me the ability to add more options? Without the capability of adding the colors, opencart is useless to me

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16,266 Points
2015-10-12 8:12 pm EST

Sorry to hear you are having issues adding options to your Opencart products page. In doing some research, many people have had success by increasing the max_input_vars setting in their php.ini file. You may want to give that a try and see if that corrects the issue for you.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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