Upload Website from Freeway Express?

Asked by:
PeteZapasta / 13 Points
2012-03-18 10:59 pm EST
Thanks for the prompt reply.

As indicated in my Q, I have built my website in Freeway Express...a Mac software.

Then I used Freeway's FTP upload routine with details from my AMP,
i.e., Server/Hostname "whub28.webhostinghub.com"; and Web Address "http://seeworthybirds.com/"

Freeway indicates the files were uploaded, but when I open my URL http://seeworthybirds.com/, I get the "...under construction" page.

I really want to place my files in a Temp URL "http://whub28.webhostinghub.com/~seewor5/" (for testing purposes). but I get the same "...under construction window".

The File Manager in the cPanel indicates my files are uploaded...so I'm freally confused...and frustrated.

Grateful for any help.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-03-19 4:10 pm EST
Hello PeteZapasta,

Thank you for your questions about uploading files via FTP in Freeway Express. I would like to start by clearing up any confusion between your temporary URL and your domain name. When a domain is registered it can take up to 24 hours for it to be fully functional. During that time period, you can use your temporary URL instead of your domain name. As it's been more than 24 hours since your domain was registered, there is no need to use your temporary URL anymore.

If I understand your question correctly, you would like to place the files somewhere other than your document root so you can test the site. You've actually already done this. Under the public_html directory is a subfolder you created (named tonycastro). You can simply put the name of this subfolder at the end of your site's URL in your browser (http://seeworthybirds.com/tonycastro/).

Once you are ready to publish your site files and go live with your website, adjust the Directory field in your Freeway Express publishing settings to public_html.

Freeway Express Publishing Settings

To recap your publishing settings:

Server: Your domain name or server name.
Port: 21
Directory: public_html (your site's document root if you are working with your primary domain name). public_html/addondomain.com (if you are working with an Addon domain).
User name: Your cPanel user name
Password: Your cPanel password
Web Address: http://yourdomain.com or your temporary URL
FTP Mode: Automatic

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or need further assistance.


Christi N.

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