I cannot send email - Mailbox quota exceeded bounce back message

Asked by:
avenuem27 / 5 Points
2011-08-02 9:12 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
When I send email, an error message comes back that states: Mailbox quota exceeded. Does this mean I need to delete some of my emails? Can anyone please advise? Thank you.

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


591 Points
2011-08-02 9:59 pm EST

I'll be happy to assist you with that! The <a href="http://www.webhostinghub.com/help/learn/email/email-troubleshooting/email-sent-message-error-550-mailbox-quota-exceeded">Mailbox quota exceeded</a> <a href="http://www.webhostinghub.com/help/learn/email/email-troubleshooting/bounced-email">bounce back message</a> means that the recipient's email account is full. They will either need to increase their email quota or delete emails to free up space.

<strong>The recipient is not me nor an email address in my cPanel</strong>
If the recipient is not you or any email address in your cpanel, contact the person you can't send an email to by another method and let them know they need to clear out their inbox.

<strong>The recipient is either my email address or another that is hosted on my account</strong>
If you don't want to delete any of your email, log into your cpanel and <a href='http://www.webhostinghub.com/help/learn/email/email-troubleshooting/email-sent-message-error-550-mailbox-quota-exceeded'>increase your email account quota</a>.

I hope this helps!


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