Unable to login to WordPress Admin after upgrade to 3.71

Asked by:
ShopWham / 16 Points
2013-11-21 9:28 pm EST
I have repeatedly un-installed, and re-installed WordPress on 2 of my domains and I can not access my Admin section to work in dashboard. I have already requested help with this but nothing has worked. I can not believe that I am the only one having this problem. The 2 sites are findmyfavoritemusic.com and myglobalincome.net. My 3rd site, shopwham.com was the first to experience a problem with themes in its dashboard, which caused me to explore the other 2 sites. It all stated when I updated to WP 3.7.1

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17,314 Points
2013-11-21 9:41 pm EST
Hello Shopwham,

Sorry for the problem! I took a look at your account and went through the files. It appears to be a problem with file permissions. I was able to run a fix on the files in your account and when I tested entry into the WordPress Admin, it worked for me. Please check now and let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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Thank you Arnel, I now know about working on the permissions. I too cam enter my admin dashboard. My problem is the themes. When I click on themes link in appearance, I get a error 404 page not found when I should be going to my themes editor. I am extremely reluctant to upgrade shopwham.com because I'm afraid on losing all my content, however I can't access themes on that site eother.
16 Points

2013-11-22 5:54 am EST
Hello Shopwham,

Typically issues with the 3.7 upgrade are caused by a file that is dictating that your account use php version 5.2 as the default. The WordPress upgrade needs a better version.

To fix this, you will want to enter the cPanel file manager and go to the Home directory. Be sure that you check the option for viewing hidden files (dotfiles).

Once in the Home Directory, look for a file named .htaccess. Edit the file by right clicking on the name of the file and selecting Edit from the menu.

Once in the editor, you want to find a line of code that looks like the following:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php52 .php

Simply add a # to the front of that line of code to comment it out and then save the file.

This should allow your WordPress to function normally now and the Theme section should no longer give a 404.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M
16,266 Points
2013-11-22 8:10 pm EST
ScottM you are a genius. Wow was it great to see my theme editor again. You saved me Scott, a thousand thanks.
16 Points

2013-11-23 3:09 am EST
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