How do I wipe my account clean and start fresh?

Asked by:
Rich1026 / 8 Points
2011-08-03 3:02 pm EST
How To
How do I wipe the site clean of everything except apache, php and mysql? Learning code and want to write just about everything from scratch. The site is not something for people to see - just something for me to learn code.

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I have a database and Home directory I created from another site and want to delete everything on my current site and transfer the new information. Can you help show me how??
0 Points
2016-01-28 02:36 am EST

Best answer chosen by User


591 Points
2011-08-03 3:17 pm EST

Whether you have added content already or your site is still just showing the Hub landing page, it is pretty easy to wipe the slate clean so to speak. Just <a href=''>log into your cPanel</a> and navigate to the <a href=''>File Manager</a>. After you are in the File Manager if you logged in to the Web Root you will automatically be in the public_html folder. It is safe to delete anything in this folder, as this is where the files for your website are kept. We recommend keeping the cgi-bin folder as you may need it while you are testing, but the other folders are not required and can be removed.

If you have any databases (by default there are not any, so if you have not installed any programs then there will not be any databases), you can delete those in the MySQL Databases section of the cPanel, which is in the Databases subsection. By each Database, under "Actions" is an option to delete the database.

Once the public_html folder is empty, your site will show as not existing if anyone visits it in their browser. If you still wanted to upload files so you could test them out to make sure your code is working, there are a few different ways to do that. The easiest way is to create a folder that only you know the name of (for example, Test) in the public_html folder. This can be done in your File Manager as well. Then you can upload files into the Test folder and see what it looks like at If you decide at any point you want the files live on your site, you can just move them from the test folder into the public_html folder.

If you have any other questions, please let us know!


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Hello Kstansbury,

Thanks for your question about moving your old website data. It's much the same as migrating an entire website. If you're dealing with a database, then you may need to export it and then import into the database on your Web Hosting Hub account. The main difference will be removing the code here and then changing it to use the data from other site. This also depends on if you created the website from scratch or if you are using a program like WordPress for your website. If you are using a 3rd party program then you may need to change specific things (e.g. the database credentials) in order to get the new data on your website here.

I hope that helps to answer your question! If you require further assistance, please let us know!

Arnel C.
17,314 Points
2016-01-28 5:35 pm EST
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