Website is blank white page on the Internet

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-11-14 7:35 pm EST
This is weird: My website is suddenly not showing up via the index page on the Internet - other than as a blank white page, not even as a 404 page! The rest of the site is there and working fine.
OK, the detail: The index page is a simple landing page, once you click the 'Enter' button, the next page (/frontpage.html) becomes the 'Home' page while surfing the rest of the site.
So, I think maybe the /index.htm page has become corrupted. I go to Dreamweaver (CS4) and the page looks just fine locally. Given that, I reload it - same problem. I duplicate the page, name it index2.htm for a moment - it looks fine locally. So I delete the old index.htm page both locally and remotely, rename the local index2.htm to just index.hml and upload it - and it still shows up as a blank white page (without a 404) Refresh the page - still nothing.
Next I re-duplicate the new local index.htm page, call the copy index2.htm again and upload it with that file name as an orphan page. I then put the full address of that orphan page in my browser window - result: blank white page! So here's the links so that you can take a look if you would please: = blank white page. - (duplicate) = blank white page. - (home page) working fine as are all the links I checked - but ONE - if you click the "Back to Gateway Page" in small print, bottom right of this page (which is actually linked to /index.htm) up comes that blank white page again.
I have other sites registered with WHH too and all of their index pages are working just fine - I just don't get it - Help anybody?
PS: This site has not been up-dated for over 10 years - I absolutely accept that it will be depleted HTML-wise, but all the other pages work, so ...

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16,266 Points
2015-11-16 7:22 pm EST

Thank you for your question about your blank index page. In doing a 'View Source' within a browser, you will see there is no HTML code to display. Although I cannot give any account specific information in public, I think if you check the files on the server you may find the same. If no code is in the file, then it has nothing to display.

Check the index file on the server to ensure it has the code you want to display. You may need to re-upload from your local machine.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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