
You may have noticed after your initial installation of MediaWiki that the generic image at the top left is missing a logo. The text in that space says:

Set $wgLogo to the URL path to your own logo image

In this tutorial I will show you how to add your logo to your MediaWiki installation.

What You Will Need to Add Your Logo to MediaWiki

You will need a graphic logo, preferably in the .png format.

You will need to know how to manage files on your server so you can access the directory where the wiki images are saved.

  1. Open the cPanel File Manager or your preferred method for accessing your site files
  2. Go to your MediaWiki directory, or wherever you installed the MediaWiki files
  3. Follow this path: (Where yourwiki is the location where you installed MediaWiki) /yourwiki/resources/assets/wiki.png
  4. Replace the wiki.png image with your image

We suggest renaming the original wiki.png image to something random, like wiki.png-old and rename your image to wiki.png.

Now when you clear you browser cache and refresh your MediaWiki site you will see your logo replace the generic logo.



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