I need to connect Dreamweaver to mysql DB

Asked by:
Belinda / 5 Points
2012-05-15 5:25 am EST
I have configured a remote ftp server and can synchronize files (though they are landing in a strange place.) You have to set up a test server before you connect to the database and that appears to be working when I hit "Test" but the Database setup can't fine it. Need help configuring the test server and the database connection.

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16,266 Points
2012-05-15 3:18 pm EST
Hello Belinda,

When connecting the Dreamweaver to your server, the procedure and all the settings necessary can be found here:

I need to connect Dreamweaver to mysql DB

If you are getting any further configuration errors, we would need a bit more information such as the error text and all settings you are using to connect. In that case, you can simply email that information (username, servername, password, root directory, and URL) to docs@webhostinghub.com. Since we do not actively monitor that email address, please place a comment below if you send it in so we will know you have done so and can further trouleshoot.

- Scott M

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