What is the path of hosting images for ebay auctions?

Asked by:
kingji / 5 Points
2012-04-20 4:34 pm EST
I am giving this path "http://www.gemminesltd.com/ebay/images/template/ebay_header1.jpeg" but am not getting the picture in Dreamweaver Template for ebay image hosting.

Could you please explain or give the path details. Thanks

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13,688 Points
2012-04-20 5:21 pm EST
Hello kingji,

Great question. I'm happy to help, but I'm sorry, I'm not clear on what you wish to do. Do you wish to show ebay auctions on your site or something else? In order for the URL http://www.gemminesltd.com/ebay/images/template/ebay_header1.jpeg to show an image, you will want to upload ebay_header1.jpeg to the public_html/ebay/images/template/ folder. Notice that public_html doesn't appear in the URL because it's understood by the server to be your main domain's document root.

Please feel free to either update your question or add a comment below with more details about what you wish to do. We will be happy to assist further.


Christi N.

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