choosing the type of website

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-01-22 1:10 am EST
Website Design
I want to build a website for a B&B (bed & breakfast), It will be somewhat of a brochure type of website but I want clients to be able to make reservations on the site, I would like the site to track reservations and availability thru a calendar, notify me via email of reservations, and perhaps the ability to receive payment thru the site. also would like to create auto responders for reservations and payments. What kind of site do I need?

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17,314 Points
2015-01-22 1:55 am EST

Thanks for the question. It's actually a fairly tough one, because you're talking about multiple requirements that can possibly require custom development depending on how you want to handle it. Websites can handle multiple roles and are not necessarily classified as a particular "type" depending on their use. There are software applications that you can use to build websites that can be used for variety of roles. I will suggest WordPress at this point, since it's possibly the easiest software that we can recommend on Web Hosting Hub, and it's also one of the most flexible. It can be used to provide the brochure-style information pages and also be extended (with plugins) to provide customer tracking and ecommerce capabilities that you would need for the other functionality you're seeking. Checkout the showcase for examples of business that use it.

I hope this helps to answer your question. We also do provide Custom Web Design solutions that can be built to meet your specific needs. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest regards,
Arnel C.

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