Why can I load css but not javascript or images using my temporary url

Asked by:
sixslinger / 5 Points
2012-09-29 10:29 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
I am unable to load my images or javascript while using my temporary url. My pages are coming up along with my css. I am using Codeigniter and have changed my config file and my htaccess file. I think this was done correctly since my pages are coming up. My image, css, and js folders are in my public_html folder and I am using the same addressing style to load my css and js scripts, but only my css is loading.

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16,266 Points
2012-10-01 4:17 pm EST
Hello sixslinger,

Although code support is out of our scope, we always try to help identify any issues within our capacity.

I am seeing any code errors when attempting to go to the photos page. The page itself loads, but I can see the photos do not load into the slideshow in the middle of the page. All other images on the site are loading fine.

On the photos page there is an error for each image that is supposed to be there. They are all identical except for the filename mentioned. They are in the following format:

"Image corrupt or truncated: http://localhost/uploads/thumbs/acd302895163beb91ff45351dda5089.jpg"

My guess is that the issue lies within the path. These paths also show up in the source code of the page, so the code believes that is the place it is supposed to look for the images but is not finding them.

You will want to check through the correct scripts and ensure all paths are correct for the photos.

Best Regards,
Scott M

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