Should a category be converted back to page in WordPress?

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HubFans / n/a Points
2015-02-04 8:26 pm EST
A WP site and will use Yoast SEO. Developer made some of my pages categories instead of pages. How do I do SEO on these important "page" ne catgegories? Can I somehow convert the categories to pages.

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17,314 Points
2015-02-04 9:05 pm EST

Thanks for the question about pages, categories, and SEO in WordPress. This issue may be a little confusing, but's look at it from the point of view of the pages being seen from the WordPress site, when it's organized by category, it makes things easier for for you to add content under that "category title". Whereas, if you made a page with that category name, the title that could be used in a search would be limited to the page. From the standpoint of the URL in the browser address bar, page category won't make too much difference when it comes to "friendly URLs" in WordPress. This is because whether you're on a page or post, the easy-to-ready format of a friendly URL wouldn't be any difference in distinguishing a page or post. The best way to understand this is to implement a few, and then review your pages after they've been indexed by a search engine. The categories are simply a label that you can use or not use, that will be up to you. However, the use of categories is to the benefit of your users to find content in your WordPress site. Check out this article on common SEO mistakes.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Arnel C.

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