Section 1: Installing the reCAPTCHA Add-on in Concrete5
Follow this guide to learn how to install the Concrete5 reCAPTCHA Add-On.
Hits: 1,271
Section 2: Security Tips for Your Concrete5 Website
This article provides security recommendations for protecting your Concrete5 powered website.
Hits: 1,442
Section 3: Hiding Your Email Address in Concrete5 with the Transparent Email Obfuscation Add-On
This Concrete5 guide walks you through the installation and use of the transparent email obfuscation Add-On, that protects your email from being collected by bots, or scripts.
Hits: 891
Section 4: Protecting Your Email Address with RECAPTCHA in Concrete5
In this tutorial we will show you how to hide your email address in Concrete5 using the free reCAPTCHA Mailhide add-on available in the Marketplace.
Hits: 1,312
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