The WHOIS database is a public database that contains details about who a domain belongs to. This includes such information as their name, address, and even their phone number.
Posting information to the WHOIS database is a requirement for all registrars (not just Web Hosting Hub). This is a requirement of ICANN, the agency in charge of many things, one of being domain registrations.
According to ICANN, the following must provided in the WHOIS Database:
... ICANN requires accredited registrars to collect and provide free public access to the name of the registered domain name and its nameservers and registrar, the date the domain was created and when its registration expires, and the contact information for the Registered Name Holder, the technical contact, and the administrative contact.
It may be easier to show by example. Below is the results of a WHOIS lookup for
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Domain Name Manager
One CNN Center 13N
Atlanta, GA 30303
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Registrar Name....: CORPORATE DOMAINS, INC.
Registrar Whois...:
Registrar Homepage:
Domain Name:
Created on..............: Wed, Sep 22, 1993
Expires on..............: Fri, Sep 21, 2018
Record last updated on..: Thu, Nov 18, 2010
Administrative Contact:
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Domain Name Manager
One CNN Center 13N
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: +1.4048275000
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Technical Contact:
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
TBS Server Operations
One CNN Center 13N
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: +1.4048275000
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DNS Servers:
You can see who owns any domain by doing a "WHOIS lookup". WHOIS Lookups are generally free. Here are a few sites you can use:
Web Hosting Hub can publish our information to the WHOIS instead of yours. This is commonly referred to as DNS Privacy. Domain Privacy is available on all domains, except .us domains, for $0.75/mo per domain.
![]() | ![]() |
Registrant: John Doe 123 Maple Street Los Angeles, CA 90210 Domain Name: Created on: 2010-09-20 Expires on: 2011-09-20 Administrative Contact John Doe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 123 Maple Street Los Angeles, CA 90210 (323) 555-5555 Technical Contact John Doe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 123 Maple Street Los Angeles, CA 90210 (323) 555-5555 |
Registrant: John Doe 555 S Independence Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Domain Name: Created on: 2010-09-20 Expires on: 2021-09-20 Administrative Contact John Doe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (where is replaced with your domain) 555 S Independence Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 +1.8775954482 Technical Contact Administrator Domain This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 555 S Independence Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 +1.8775954482 |
Please note, we do not normally change your Organization/Registrant name with DNS Privacy because this is the registered owner of the domain. If you do not wish for your name to be shown in the Organizatin/Registrant name, please provide a valid, legal entity (a real person or company) for the Organizatin/Registrant name.
You have the option to choose DNS Privacy during initial domain registration through Web Hosting Hub. If your domain was previously registered through us and without privacy, please contact us at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
and request to have DNS Privacy added to your domain. If your domain was not registered through Web Hosting Hub, please contact your domain's current registrar for more help with obtaining DNS privacy.
n/a Points
2014-05-18 7:21 pm
It says in the "What is the WHOIS database / Domain Privacy?" FAQ that Domain Privacy is $0.75 per domain per month. For my newly transferred domain, the price is shown as $21.35 prorated for the rest of the year. That works out to approx $4.75 per month. |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-05-19 5:08 pm
Hello Jerry,
Thank you for your question. Domain Privacy is $0.75 per month, or $9.00 per year. The price you are seeing is for domain registration, prorated until 2016; which is when your domain expires. I recommend contacting our Billing department, if you want privacy for just 1 year, or a shorter term. I have also notified our customer experience team, they will be reviewing the domain "wording" for the privacy price, to make ti more clear. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2015-11-13 10:43 pm
sir, plz tell me that which email i should use for generating csr
suppose if whois is showing my personal emai. then i should use that email? plz reply
regarsd faysal |
![]() Staff 1,198 Points
2015-11-13 11:40 pm
Hello Faisal,
We would suggest using a personal email and the one in your whois information should suffice. Best Regards, TJ Edens |
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