An anchor link is used if you want a visitor to click on a link on the page that brings the visitor to another section of the same page. This can be easier for your visitors as instead of loading a new webpage, it will bring them to a different location on the page they are already on. For example, if you have a FAQ with a list of questions, when a visitor clicks on one of the questions it can automatically jump down to the part of the page that answers that question. To do this, all you need is to "name" the part of the page that you want to be the anchor that the link will bring the customer to.
First, go ahead and create the web page that you want to put the anchor on. Next, go to the part of the page that you want the link to go to. This is where we will create the anchor. In this example, we will say that the anchor is an answer to a Frequently Asked Question:
<a name="cpanel">How to Log into your cPanel</a>
As you can see, all we did here was give the link a "name" so it could be referenced later. Note that for this link there is no href as it is not an active link, it is just an anchor for a link somewhere else on the page. Now that the anchor has been created, we can link to the anchor:
<a href="#cpanel">How do I log into my cPanel?</a>
Notice that this time we use href since the link is an active link, and the format will always be"#" + "anchor name". Now when someone clicks on "How do I log into my cPanel?" the visitor will jump down to where the anchor is defined, which in this example is "How to Log into your cPanel." Note that the text that the customer sees (everything between the <a> and the </a>) can be any text that you want or even the same text. All that is required for the anchor to work is to have one link contain the "name" and the other link to have that "name" as the destination.
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