How can I fix this?

Asked by:
satcho / 8 Points
2013-05-28 5:58 pm EST
Website Troubleshooting
warning messages on my website homepage...

Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /home4/haikela/public_html/ on line 21

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2,132 Points
2013-05-28 6:12 pm EST
Thank you for your question satcho!

The domain you are referring to resides at Hostgator so I cannot look into the server settings. From a glance, it looks like your server may have a version of php that is not supported by the Nova theme or the Nova theme may not be compatible with a newer version of WordPress. Try switching your WordPress theme to a different theme or checking your server PHP version to see if it is the correct version for your WordPress.

Best Regards,
James R

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Hi Sir,

Thanks for your quick response.

Thank you very much.

8 Points

2013-05-31 5:03 pm EST
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