If you currently host your WordPress site with a different hosting provider, you can move your WordPress site from their server to the server at Web Hosting Hub.  This will require you to have access to your WordPress files as well as the WordPress Database.

One of the benefits of the servers at Web Hosting Hub is that our servers run suPHP.  suPHP give you more control over your files which makes it ideal for software such as WordPress. If you upload/install anything such as a template on a non-suPHP server, you will not be able to edit them manually or even delete them from your account due to ownership issues. This ownership issue is eliminated in suPHP. On suPHP enabled servers, those same template files will be owned by the account username and the account holder will be able to change those files with no problem.  This will make it easier to modify the files and additions on your WordPress website.

The first step is to download your WordPress website from your old host onto your computer.  Your WordPress site has two parts: the files and the database:

  • WordPress Files: This includes all the files of your site including any themes. images, and configuration files.  You can download your files either as a cPanel Backup if your prior host uses cPanel or with an FTP client.
  • Database: The database of your WordPress website contains all your blog posts, pages, and other information.  To download your WordPress database (it will be a .sql file), you can either export the database in phpMyAdmin if your prior host uses cPanel or you may need to contact your host directly and have them send you the .sql database file.

Once you have downloaded all your WordPress files and your database, log into your Web Hosting Hub cPanel.  Next, you will install WordPress onto your website.  Once WordPress has been installed on your domain, we can begin uploading your content.

Upload your WordPress Files

This can be done in the cPanel File Manager, however it is easier to upload the files through FTP.  Remember to copy all of your files, including configuration files, to ensure that everything from your previous host is copied over.

Upload your WordPress Database

This can be tricky, so we are going to go over it one step at a time:

  1. Log into phpMyAdmin and click on your WordPress Database on the left menu that was installed by Fantastico.  If you have more then one database, the WordPress Database will end with _wrdp1 (or wrdp2 if it is your second WordPress website on your account, and so on).
  2. Next, we will drop (or delete) the tables currently in the database.  To do this, just hit the red X under "Action" by each table until they are all deleted.
  3. Once the tables are deleted, we will import the tables from the WordPress Database that you downloaded from your previous host.  Before importing the tables, make a backup of your prior database just in case it is needed later (you can do this just be copying the database into a different folder on your computer). 
  4. Click on the "Import" tab at the top of the page in phpMyAdmin.
  5. Under File to import, click on "Browse..." and locate the database on your computer.
  6. Once you have confirmed the location of the file, click on "Go" at the bottom right side of phpMyAdmin.
  7. To make sure the tables were imported, go back to the "Structure" tab and confirm the tables are now in your database.

After completing these steps, your WordPress website should now be fully functional on your Web Hosting Hub account.  If your WordPress Database is more than 50 MB, we will need to import the database for you.  To import the database for you, first upload your database onto your account the same way that you did your WordPress files (by using an FTP client).  Once the .sql file is uploaded, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the location of the .sql file and which database you want the file imported into so we can complete it for you.

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