Why does my email keep coming back to me as a bounce back message?

Asked by:
baalo / 15 Points
2011-06-29 8:13 pm EST
Email Troubleshooting
My email works 95% of the time but when I email my one friend, it always is returned. He is able to get emails from other people. Why is this happening?

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2011-07-22 1:24 pm EST
Sounds like your email from Web Hosting Hub is being blocked to the service provider that your friend uses. This can happen if for some reason your friend's email server has blocked emails from Web Hosting Hub. Sometimes this is just a mistake and can be resolved by the two companies. I'd recommend contacting Web Hosting Hub support (make sure you include the bounceback email, they will need that to determine what is causing the block) with the problem and they can look into resolving the issue for you.

For further documentation, please see:
<a href='http://www.webhostinghub.com/help/learn/email/email-troubleshooting/bounced-email'>What do I do if an email I sent is returned?</a>

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2011-06-29 9:59 pm EST
If the friend is the common factor, his email might be blocked from the server for some reason. What error message do you get when it is returned? And what provider is his email (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.)?

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