How do I transfer my domain away?

Asked by:
jrumph / 5 Points
2012-02-08 4:09 pm EST
Registrations And Transfers
I am attempting to migrate my domain to another carrier, but when I try to obtain my Melbourne IT Registry Key I go to as instructed in the help and put in I get a Recovery Failed message followed by "The Registry Key for Domain Name was not able to be retrieved. This could be due to the Domain Name being managed by a Melbourne IT Reseller. Please contact your Reseller for assistance."
I would like assistance to find out what I am doing wrong

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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-08 5:41 pm EST
Hello jrumph,

I'm sorry you're having trouble transferring your domain away from our management. Before the registry key can be retrieved, we will first need to unlock the domain for you. In order to do that, please send an email to and be sure to include account verification (either your AMP password or the last 4 digits of the credit card on file).

Please note, your domain registration/management is separate from your hosting. Transferring the domain management rights will not affect your hosting account which will still be active. If you wish to cancel your hosting account, we would first like to ask if are you having any specific problems with your account? We are here 24/7 and we're always happy to help! If you're having any issues with your hosting account, we want to assist. We can be reached by phone, email, or chat so please let us know how we can help.


Christi N.

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