I would like to change the domain that has the hosting

Asked by:
HubFans / n/a Points
2015-12-14 6:35 am EST
I started a website called LivelyHealthyLiving. I would now like to change that site to GutHappiness. I do not want to manage LivelyHealthyLiving anymore and would like the GutHappiness to be associated with the 3 year hosting plan that I have.
Can this be done? I'm not concerned with losing any work/emails/files that are associated with LivelyHealthyLiving, I would simply like a clean start with GutHappiness.

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16,266 Points
2015-12-14 9:15 pm EST

Thank you for your question on changing the primary domain name associated with your account. You can certainly change the domain that is associated with your account. This is known as a Primary Domain Change and can be requested through your AMP (Account Management Panel).

Kindest Regards,
Scott M

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