switch from premium site builder to wordpress

Asked by:
Keith / 13 Points
2012-02-17 7:16 am EST
I built my site using the Premium Site Builder in my primary domain. Since then, I've added a subdomain and built another site there using Wordpress. I would now like this site in my subdomain to be used in my primary domain and to continue managing it with Wordpress from then on. Is there a way to do this?
Basically I want to replace the site I built with the Premium Sitebuilder with the Wordpress site using my primary domain.


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Best answer chosen by Web Hosting Hub staff


13,688 Points
2012-02-17 5:52 pm EST
Hello Keith,

Thank you for your question about switching from the Premium Website Builder to WordPress. I'm happy to help you with that.

The first step is to remove all of the files just inside public_html that were published by the Premium Website Builder. You can delete those files using either the cPanel File Manager or a stand alone FTP program. Next, you can choose to either move WordPress from the subdomain folder into public_html or re-configure WordPress to run from the subdomain for your main site.

Please let us know if you have any questions, we're always happy to help.


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