Describing and explaining the management system available within the Modx Administrator Dashboard.

Section 1: Managing Users in Modx
The following article explains how manage users within the modx backend administrator
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Section 2: Part I: Managing Users Groups in Modx
The following article will discuss the definition, creation and modification of user groups within the Modx backend
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Section 3: Replacing the Modx Editor with TinyMCE
The Modx editor for adding text and images is very basic, but it can be replaced. One of the most popular editors that can be used is the opensource TinyMCE editor. The following tutorial shows how to replace the builtin Modx editor.
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Section 4: How to manually reset MODx Administrator user password using API
The following article shows how to manually reset password using API code provided by Modx
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Section 5: Resetting the Password for Modx Users through the Database
The following article explains how to manually alter passwords for modx users
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Section 6: How to view an error log in Modx
Understanding the error logs within Modx requires that you separate the Modx error log from the PHP-generated error log. The following article explains these error logs and how to access them.
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Section 7: How to Add Content Types to Modx
Modx resources may include many different types of content file such as video, audio, or text files. These files are often opened by a specific application on your computer as long as they are properly identified. The Modx content types settings within the System menu are used for this purpose. The following article explains to view and set new content types in the Modx Dashboard.
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Section 8: Changing System Settings in Modx
The system settings for Modx include general preferences, configuration, and other Modx settings that govern the operation of your Modx site. The following tutorial explains how to find and edit the settings.
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Section 9: Part I: Setting Up Friendly URLs for MODX- HTACCESS file changes
Search-engine and user-friendly URLs can be enabled after making changes within the MODX installation. The following article is the first in a two-part series for using friendly URLs. The article explains how to edit and use the MODX version of the .htaccess file.
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Section 10: Part II: Making Template and System Setting Changes to Enable Friendly URLs for Modx
Part 2 of setting up friendly URLs for MOdx involves editing templates and making the necessary system setting changes. The following article explains how to make these changes using the Modx Administrator dashboard.
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Section 11: How to Optimize your Database in MODX Revolution
Like many web-based applications MODX uses a database to store its data. As the database grows, there is more of a need to perform regular maintenance to keep the database running smoothly. Fortunately, MODX provides a way to optimize the database file. The following article explains how to find and use the OPTIMIZE option for the MODX database.
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Section 12: How to find MODX System Information
Environment information that is being used by a MODX installation can be found in the System Info section of the MODX Administrator Dashboard. This information is useful for moving an installation from one location to another or by developers who are trying to build an addition to the website.
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Section 13: Flush Permissions and Sessions in MODX
MODX provides a way to flush currently saved values in sessions and caches. This is important when user permissions or other security settings have been changed. The following article shows how to flush either the session or cache within MODX.
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Section 14: How to Configure SMTP Email for MODX
Mail settings for MODX can be found in a central location called System Settings. Mail functions default to using the PHP mail function to send email but can be modified to use a SMTP server. The following article explains how to find and change the mail settings for MODX.
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Section 15: Adding the Google Analytic Widget to the MODX Dashboard
MODX is a content management system that includes many functions but can be expanded by loading up a widget into the Package Management system. The Google Analytics is a key component which allows users to track site data that can be used to improve site traffic. The following article explains how to install and configure the widget.
Hits: 3,807
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