For new users, getting your website up and running may seem like a daunting task. Like most things however, following a step by step guide makes things much easier.
The steps for migrating your website vary depending on whether your old host uses cPanel or not.
If your old host uses cPanel, please see our guide entitled How to Move your Website from a Host that uses cPanel.
If your old host does not use cPanel, you should instead review our article How do I move my Website to Web Hosting Hub.
Some website migrations go off without a hitch, however other sites are a bit more complicated and require a few additional configuration changes. We know that at times it can get frustrating, and when it does, we're more than happy to help.
It use to be that if you were building a website, you would open your text editor and begin coding with HTML. It's OK if this doesn't make much sense to you as most applications today do not require that you know or understand HTML in order to make a website.
If you're not sure which software you'd like to use to design your site, we highly recommend WordPress.
There are other options as well including (but not limited to):
If you're looking for an E-Commerce Solution, you may want to look into:
These are just a few of the applications that you can easily install using Softaculous (which can be found in your cPanel). If you're coding HTML or interested in learning more HTML, you can also review our Website Design Education Channel.
Keep in mind that there are 1000's of third party applications you can use when designing your site. We unfortunately cannot be aquainted with and familiar with every website building application, so at times the level of support in which we can provide for those programs can be limited. If you do have questions though, feel free to ask as we're more than happy to take a look into it for you.
If you're experienced with building websites already, then you may simply need to know your FTP credentials. They are as follows:
FTP Username: | Your cPanel username |
FTP Password: | Your cPanel password |
Hostname: | |
Be sure that you are uploading your files to your public_html folder. For more details on using FTP, please see our FTP Getting Started Guide.
Before we let you go and you're off to building your website, we also recommend you review the following details as they could save you some time in the long run.
Backups are an essential part of website maintenance. Whether you need to undo a change you recently made or your site becomes the target of a hacker, without a viable backup of your website you could be in a world of trouble. Be sure to take a moment now and review our article on Website Backups.
Most applications that users run on their hosting account are PHP and MySQL driven (such as WordPress or Joomla). For PHP sites, a common item that comes up is the need to update your local PHP settings. With MySQL, the most common task is creating, importing, and exporting MySQL databases.
If you're handling any sensitive information through your website, such as credit card or other personal information, you'll want to secure that data as it is passed along the internet by using a SSL Certificate. More information on this can be found in our Shared vs. Dedicated SSL article.
Many of our articles will ask that you perform certain tasks either in your cPanel or in your Account Management Panel. More information on these tools can be found in our cPanel vs. AMP article.
![]() 14 Points
2012-07-05 1:47 am
Wow, lots of "jargon" here for a newbie. This might be better split into two or hree pages -- one for just starting newbies like me; another for those with experience; another for those transferring an existing web site. For example, I'v read about cPanel as the main web site builder on many hosting sites while researching my purchase, but this suggests using WordPress instead (no reasons given). So, do I use cPanel or WordPress? I won't even comment on the number of acronyms on this page. Overwhelming.
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2012-07-05 3:56 pm
Hello Steven1951,
After looking over the article, I do agree that it may seem a bit more daunting for those that are completely new to website hosting. Also, perhaps some sort of glossary at the top would help with some of the acronyms. In answer to your question about the cpanel vs wordpress, cpanel is not in and of itself a sitebuilder, but the software you will use to manage your account. It has many tools and you will use it regardless. It does, however, have a web page editor included, but it is very basic in its features and more for those who have a bit of knowledge building sites or are simply making quick edits. Wordpress is one of the site building programs we recommend as it requires no coding knowledge and can build high quality sites with almost any feature you want. Out of the top 1 Million websites on the web, Wordpress is used for almost 65% of them. This gives you an idea on the popularity and the scalability it has. Thanks! Scott M |
3 Points
2013-11-07 1:18 pm
I have hosted my site, and then used filezilla to upload my files to public_html still my website is not online yet. what is wrong?
Staff 12,339 Points
2013-11-07 6:23 pm
Hello emmazone,
If your site was added to your cPanel, or registered recently it may be experiencing Propagation. Also, for the site you transferred to load by default, it should be titled: index.html, index.htm, or index.php I checked your site and it is loading at this time, but the images are in the home directory, instead of the public_html. They will have to be moved to the public_html folder to load. Our guide on managing files has a section on How to move files. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
6 Points
2013-11-11 11:58 am
I am SUCH a newbie. I'm building one from scratch--I think. I bought the subscription for a year, and I want to start a blog. My first blog. EVER. So this is telling me that I could "easily" install WordPress using Softaculous, which can be found in my cPanel. I have a cPanel? What is that and where can I find it?
Staff 12,339 Points
2013-11-11 6:55 pm
Hello Yolie671,
Yes, you have a cPanel with Web Hosting Hub. Your cPanel or Control Panel, is used by many hosts, and makes it easier to perform common tasks related to hosting a website. Here is a link to our Tutorial on "How to login to cPanel." After logging into cPanel you can easily install Wordpress, which is covered in our guide "Installing WordPress from your cPanel via Softaculous." If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
3 Points
2013-11-14 8:55 pm
This is the like trying to learn how to draw a circle, and they only give you straight lines. I choose this web hosting site because it 'seemed' user friendly, but I was wrong. This is for pros who have been doing it a long time. Your beginner help pages do NOT do anything to help people who are trying to self learn web design. You need to entirely rethink the 'get started' help pages.
Staff 12,339 Points
2013-11-14 9:49 pm
Hello Monique,
I'm sorry to hear about your frustration, I understand it can be confusing. There are a lot of ways to design your website, so this article is pretty general. We appreciate this type of feedback, because it lets us know if the articles are helpful for your users. Are you having trouble accomplishing a specific task? If you just want to get started working on your website, you can Login to cPanel, then under Software/Services click the Softaculous button. Softaculous lets you easily choose a website software from over 280 options (such as Wordpress, Concrete5, Joomla), and install it with one-click. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Also, keep in mind that Live Tech Support is available if you need immediate assistance. Thank you, -John-Paul |
3 Points
2013-11-19 7:35 pm
none of this makes any sense to me. I'm just trying to create a blog….it was supposed to be simple. Finding a domain name was hard enough, but this is completely overwhelming for a first time blogger who is somewhat computer illiterate, lol. Frustrating!
n/a Points
2014-11-18 5:54 am
My husband and I are trying to start a blog. I thought it would be straight forward. I have a frickin Master's Degree and this is like chasing your tail. I feel like we have been taken. |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-12-18 6:58 pm
Hello Suzanne,
Sorry to hear about the trouble you are having. You can begin building a blog by installing WordPress. Then you can login to your Dashboard and begin building the site. These guides are part of our full WordPress Education Channel. Thank you, John-Paul |
Staff 12,339 Points
2013-11-19 8:18 pm
Hello hollyrae72,
Sorry to hear about your frustration. Typically for Blogs, many people use Wordpress, which can be easily be installed from cpanel. During installation you will create a username and password, and you will be provided with a link to the login page at the end. I hope this helps you get started. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-03-01 1:12 am
what is the next step after downloading wordpress. To be honest i dont even know how I arrived at this point. I am really new at web building and find the instructions confusing to say the least. Anyway somehow i managed to get to the point where I downloaded wordpress now what. thanks |
n/a Points
2014-03-10 4:18 am
Don't feel bad. I signed up at the start for 3 yrs when the guy on phone convinced me how easy it was. Well after 2 yrs., I still have no website. They don't actually help,just send a lot of jargonfilled emails. I don't think I'm stupid (I have a PhD in Biology), but wanted a website, not interested in "techno-geek" jargon. PS I also went to web designer who said he couldn't figure out this site so don't hold your breath. |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-03-10 6:05 pm
Hello Nick & Andy,
Thank you for your comments. Nick: After installing Wordpress, I recommend reading our Getting Started guide for Wordpress; which is part of our full Wordpress Education Channel. Andy: Sorry to hear about the the trouble you are experiencing, with getting your website live. We do empower you with many options (over 280), which can be confusing. If you want an easy and fast option, I recommend using Concrete5; since you can literally get a website up in minutes. There is a 1-click installation in Softaculous, here is the walk-through guide. Then, follow the Concrete5 Education Channel I wrote. Also, any designer should be familiar with our hosting platform, since it uses the same basic settings as all the major hosting companies. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-04-02 6:54 am
I posted a while ago that I have not been able to set up a website in a year and first started getting MORE links from this server (to add the hundreds of useless ones I already have) and now someone supposedly from this sight is sending emails whisch only partially legible saying they changed something or other on my site. I don't have any idea who it is or what they are doing butat least I have no site so the only thing they do that would bother me is to lose the logo my daughter made. Hope that is not messed up. This host is really useless to beginners.I told them their non-desiferable links are useless. Their solution is to send more. However, except when they are selling you to have them as your host, try and get a human to help. Forget it. |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-04-02 4:14 pm
Hello Andy,
Thank you for your comment. I checked the notes for your account and see you have not contacted Live tech Support for assistance. They are available for immediate assistance 24/7 365 days a year via phone, chat and email. Here is a link to their contact information. Many people have successfully followed our walk-through guides, sorry to hear you are having trouble. This is just our public forum, and we are happy to help you; but we will need useful information to provide assistance. What domain specifically is having problems? I see you have multiple addon domains that are working successfully. What type of site do you want to build? For example: shopping cart/e-commerce, blog, standard business page? When you post a public question here in our forums, you are emailed any time a response is posted. You can opt out by clicking the Email Notifications link on the bottom of this page, choose No, then click the Update button. We do not make any changes to your website, as far as logos, etc; since this is up to you, or your developer. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-04-03 8:36 am
John Paul I got an email from you saying I have several successful domains. Maybe you weren't talking to me because I have one domain which is now still blank after 2 years. I have called live tech support and I get a few days worth of emails. I called web setup and they said they only do busines sites. I did have a nice logo that my daughter designedbefore she moved. One of your tech peple told me to install wordpress which deleted the only thing I had, the logo....Then I gave up. |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-04-03 4:23 pm
Hello Andy,
Sorry for any confusion; I attempted to lookup your account based on your username. Is the email address you are responding with (it is not displayed publicly) the correct one for your account? Live tech Support can assist you with the basic setup of the top web design software, such as Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Concrete5, etc. But the website building is up to you. These are the most commonly used web design softwares, and there are innumerous resources online; which can be confusing. We created complete step-by-step guides in our Help Center; which is what people keep linking you too. This is an attempt to simplify the process of setting up your website, by providing the information in one place. Here in the Help center we want to help you get your website built, and we will assist with more in-depth questions, such as coding issues, etc. How can we help? Typically installing wordpress will not overwrite an existing file. Do you need help finding the logo? If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-03-30 10:13 am
Hello, I have installed Wordpress with Softaculous and it looks like it is in my public_html file. On Wordpress, I have published several pages. However, my website still has the under construction page showing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I tried using your help pages and changed the name of the index.php to DirectoryIndex Welcome.html in hopes that it would help but no dice. Did I miss a step? Thanks
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2014-03-30 7:14 pm
Hello Natasha,
Normally this is not an issue as WordPress uses Index.php. If, however, the under construction page is named index.html, then it would get priority over index.php and display even if the WordPress installed correctly. I would first undo any changes you have made so far. Then you may want to check the files and see if index.htm or index.html exists. If so, rename it (index.htm.old is good) and then test the site again. If the condition still persists, you may want to comment with the domain name here so we can find out what the cause is. Alternatively you can also contact our Live Support team and they can take a look. Kindest Regards, Scott M |
n/a Points
2014-04-01 5:31 pm
Hello, Thanks for your response. I changed the files back to where they were and changed two different index files as instructed (not at the same time). Neither one would pull up the site properly. Would you mind taking a look, please? My domain is I'd really appreciate it! |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-04-01 6:32 pm
Hello Natasha,
Thank you for your question. I looked at your installation, and wordpress was installed in a folder called /dir, instead of the public_html folder directly. Since it seems you want Wordpress in your public_html folder, I recommend:
If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-04-15 5:13 pm
Yeah, what Steven1951 said... |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-04-15 5:29 pm
Hello Cathy,
Thank you for your comment. Basically, cPanel is a 1-stop location for hosting a website and email. cPanel is used by pretty much all the major hosting companies. Within cpanel is a Softaculous button, that makes it easy to install programs, such as Wordpress. There are many ways to design a website, Worpress is just the most commonly used globally. But keep in mind, that you are not limited to using the programs listed in this article, they are just suggestions. In the end, it depends on your comfort/skill level in designing a website, that determines the best path to take. If you have any further, or more specific questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-04-23 12:44 pm
can you give the full details of domain transfering the steps, rate etc
![]() Staff 2,342 Points
2014-04-23 3:21 pm
Our article on transferring your domain will provide you with all of the steps you need to successfully complete a domain transfer.
n/a Points
2014-05-11 9:56 am
I'm disappointed with this web hosting site. There is no help for anyone new to blogging! Your help pages are made even more complicated by the use of jargon... I guess this site is really only for experienced users. I need help to set up my blog ! |
Staff 17,314 Points
2014-05-12 7:22 pm
Hello Alka,
Sorry to hear that you're having difficulty finding a way to start building your website/blog. If you are building a blog, we highly recommend that you use a software called WordPress. Our guides do provide an installation guide and multiple "how to use" guides for the different options available within WordPress. Check out the tutorials on getting started with WordPress. Trying to build a "general" how to build a Blog is difficult because it can be done so many different ways. WordPress is the most popular software used for this purpose, but there are many other options available to you as well. We do appreciate your feedback about the "jargon." We are continually trying to improve our articles. In the near future, we will providing more videos that can help you see and understand what is necessary in some steps. As you venture into the world of building websites, terminology is unfortunately unavoidable, as you will need to become familiar with at least the most basic terms. However, we will try to make sure that a definition is available when these terms are used. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Kindest regards, Arnel C. |
n/a Points
2014-05-19 6:43 pm
I have NO earthly idea what you are talking about with all this -- all I want to do is start a blog. I don't know what cPanel is or a bunch of that stuff. I will go through the comments for informationa s well. |
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2014-05-19 6:52 pm
Hello Janne,
All of our hosting accounts run off of a software named cPanel. Once you log into your cPanel you can install blogging software. The most popular blogging software is called WordPress and can be installed from within the cPanel using a tool called Softaculous. Of course we are here for any other questions you may have along the way. Kindest Regards, Scott M |
n/a Points
2014-05-29 5:06 pm
I wish you would just call it "Control Panel" and "My Account", terms that people understand easily instead of terms that one has to sit and figure out what they mean like "cPanel" and "AMP". And why does one have to log in separately to cPanel and AMP anyway? WebHostingHub is very hard to understand and do what one has to do. It has a clean great appearance, which drew me to it in the first place but is very hard to use. Look at the "p" at the bottom of this comment section. For the last two minutes i have been looking at it wondering what that "p" is doing out there.
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-05-29 5:34 pm
Hello Lotus,
Thank you for your questions. cPanel is the specific name of the software we use. It is the most commonly used software by web hosts, since it really simplifies many of the things you need to do when hosting a website. AMP is just short for Account Management Panel, and is mostly for billing related information. For more information, see our full article titled What is the Difference between cPanel and AMP? You can Login to cPanel directly from AMP, which is explained in this guide. The the cPanel login is separate from AMP; that way if you are using a developer, they will not have access to your billing information (in AMP). The "p" you are seeing at the bottom of the comment form, is part of the Text Editor, and stands for paragraph. It is identifying the tag you are using, for example: If you click the Bold button in the comment section, it will display a "b" instead of a "p." If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-06-13 3:52 am
I am totally new to this so I could be getting this totally wrong. Is it correct that I have paid this site £70.00 to set up a blog and now I need to pay another one, (Wordpress seems to be the one that's being pushed) another £100, just to actually be able to use your site to write my blog? No monthly payment options and no warning that I'd have to cough up another £100 when I was initially applying to yourselves.
Have I got myself all confused in amongst all the tech stuff?
Many thanks |
![]() Staff 2,342 Points
2014-06-13 4:26 pm
I'm not sure what you're referring to in the additional money. Could you clarify on that?
We highly recommend WordPress because it is easy to use and very versatile. In fact, it powers approximately 22% of the sites on the internet including many that you may visit on a daily basis. |
n/a Points
2014-06-13 4:36 pm
Hi Jeff, Thanks for getting back to me. i followed the advice on this thread and clicked to install wordpress. It came up that I would need to pay them £109 to get started. I didn't see any hint of this when setting up on your site, if I'd known I'd need to pay another £100 lump sum, I wouldn't have joined. i just want to write a blog but it seems to cost a fortune. But I am brand spanking new to the whole idea of setting up anything internet related so could be totally wrong, I don't always find the instructions and various bits of information easy to understand so thought I would ask on here before pulling the plug. Many thanks |
n/a Points
2014-06-13 4:43 pm
Hi again Jeff, I think I did it. Without paying extra. As I said, I can be cyber-dense and think I was looking at the wrong thing. I think I'm all sorted now, will have to check my bank statement but this time when I went in to download it, nothing came up about money so went ahead and with it. many thanks |
n/a Points
2014-06-14 6:20 am
It is a little comforting to know that others are having problems with this site. I am over having wasted my money. Every time I post, I get the usual blast of jargon filled emails. I am looking for a site where a human will actually help you. What good is support for your problems when you don't even know your questions.It is like me asking my biology class on Day 1..What part of cladism is giving you a problem? The student would say "Huh?" I respond, "Go to the synapomorphic link on your clade and use it to build a cladogram." The student responds, "Huh?".... Kind of like "Your cPanel may be undergoing Propagation? To which I say "Huh?" |
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2014-06-15 3:54 pm
Hello Andy,
Apologies if it seems like our answers are full of jargon. The industry is indeed full of it and sometimes our techs forget that not everyone speaks the 'language', or at least that we all do at differing levels. I'm happy to answer any specific questions you have. The Help Center is designed to allow us to communicate with many people at once, so if I answer your question here properly anyone else that has that question may also get the answer. So ask away! We are here to assist. We want to show you that even cheaper hosting can give the support you need. Kindest Regards, Scott M |
n/a Points
2014-07-04 9:13 pm
This was supposed be easy, I am starting to regret buying it. I asked for help, and all I have got in response was to go to the get started for new users, but I am back to square one, feeling like I have wasted my money, I am asking for a refund right now. I know I am just winning, but I dont know waht else to do. Rafael |
![]() Staff 3,713 Points
2014-07-04 11:44 pm
Hello Rafael,
Sorry to hear that you're having difficulties getting started. Was there something particular you were looking to do that you're unable to figure it out? We'd be glad to assist you if you can just let us know what you'd like to accomplish with your hosting account. I see that so far the only thing you've asked support about is your account information. You should have received an email with the subject of Welcome to Web Hosting Hub! from containing your account information. I might suggest installing WordPress with Softaculous if you're just starting out with web hosting. Or try one of the many other applications available in your control panel for free. Please let us know if we can help! - Jacob |
n/a Points
2014-07-18 6:10 pm
I am a true beginner at all of this, and I don't know where to start, although I was told it would be like riding a bike, I am having a hard time finding the seat to get on and ride:( help please!
Staff 17,314 Points
2014-07-18 8:03 pm
Hello Lucianna,
Sorry to hear you're confused about how to start. You haven't given us much information about your current status. Are you starting from scratch? Are you trying to use something that you have started before? Do you have a software that you want to use? What kind of website are you trying to build? Give us a little information and we would be glad to help guide you! Regards, Arnel C. |
n/a Points
2014-07-26 9:05 pm
Hi! I agree with Lucianna above. I can't figure out where to begin to build a website. This website keeps circling around and trying to sell me what I have already purchased. |
![]() Staff 3,713 Points
2014-07-27 1:57 am
Hello Leigh,
Just like building anything in life, there are a lot of ways you can start depending on your expertise and what you want to do with what you're building. To build your first website, my best recommendation would always be to dive right in and start finding out what works best for your workflow and what you're trying to do with your website. Have you tried any of the suggestions in this guide such as starting off with a WordPress site if you're starting from scratch? It's as simple as logging into cPanel, then under the Software / Services section click on Softaculous. Then just click on the Install button for WordPress, or you can use the search box on the top-right to seek out other software to manage your website as well. An alternative route is that you can learn HTML, in this case you would just edit your files locally to get them how you'd like them to appear on your website, then you just upload them to the server with FTP. I'm sorry if the information on this article currently is confusing, if you can please let us know what you would like to do with your website, and what you've tried so far, we would be able to offer you a better recommendation at how you might go about creating your site. - Jacob |
n/a Points
2014-09-01 12:30 am
i still don't know how to start building my website!!!!!!!! where do I begin?
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-12-18 7:05 pm
Hello Karen,
Thank you for contacting us. You can begin by installing a program using Softaculous. There are many choices in Softaculous, but he most popular are WordPress, and Concrete5. They are very popular and considered easy to use. Thank you, John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-09-03 10:50 am
It looks good enough to me. I'll learn more as I start using it.
n/a Points
2014-10-02 11:40 pm
Where do I actually navigate to design a website? I can get to the cPanel and AMP. I can install Word Press. I want to actually design something. When I see "Getting Started," I'm thinking there's got to be something in terms of actually starting the web design. I'm so frustrated 15 minutes into this process I'm about to ask for my money back.
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-12-18 7:41 pm
Hello Celeste,
Thank you for contacting us. Since you have already installed WordPress, you just need to login to the Dashboard and begin customizing your site. We also have a helpful WordPress Education Channel available. Thank you, John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-10-09 7:50 pm
i'm new to this and need all the info i can get and it is important that it is simply explained. i think this is helpful, but i still have a lot of questions i am hoping will be answered as i read more on this site
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2014-10-14 2:59 pm
Hello Jeni,
Of course! Please just ask questions as you go along if you are unable to find an article in the support search. We are happy to try and assist with anything you need. Kindest Regards, Scott M |
n/a Points
2014-10-14 12:22 pm
Hi, I have purchased a domain name and awaiting a confirmation call. I not that the domaine name I have bought is still available?
![]() Staff 2,342 Points
2014-10-14 3:52 pm
As all accounts are reviewed and confirmed, it can take a bit of time to get started. If you like, you may contact support to have your account confirmed.
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-12-18 7:46 pm
Hello Steven,
Thank you for contacting us. This is just our public forum, where you can post questions. Our Live Support team is available 24/7, 365 days a year. Feel free to contact them at any time. Thank you, John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-11-05 11:35 pm
Well after a few days of waiting everything turned out in the end :-) Even though everything looks like it's lined up on what to do I would like a "users guide for dummies like me" without all the inbetween text which just takes my focus away from what I need to do ! I get easily distracted as you may have guessed ! But there's another aspect to it ..... when living in a country where English is NOT the language alot of the concentration gets "eaten up" by translating it to make sense in whatever other language is being used . But I'll get there ....... I'm pasient ;-)
n/a Points
2014-11-15 1:35 am
WebHostingHub has provided such great service this past year. Clean, easy, well managed, and ultra reliable. Thanks!
n/a Points
2014-11-17 11:50 am
Not really sure at this time but once getting into these articles further down the line will enable myself to express my input , suggestions and Or comments as well ?
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2014-11-18 5:36 pm
Hello Robert,
You will be able to do all of that. Feel free to give your input on a comment/question thread, offer up suggestions for improvements of the Help Center, and comment regarding your own experiences. Kindest Regards, Scott M |
![]() 3 Points
2014-11-28 6:55 pm
This site is not simple whatsoever. All of your answers to anyones questions are repeats like the website. You follow the steps and it doesn't work. Why isn't there an easy link to create your template. So we can all start by filling in our information and attaching pictures and then uploading it that way? All this site seems to do is overcomplicate a process which other sites make simple. You say you will help? But you aren't, all that is happening is you are referring us back to the same points that we don't understand. You need to simplify the process from start to finish where it doesn't include your jargon, saying you know it's difficult and then carrying on speaking in that language doesn't help. This site really feels like a HUGE waste of money. Extremely disappointed.
Staff 17,314 Points
2014-11-28 8:24 pm
Hello Lewisvines10,
Sorry you feel disappointed. The problem is one of perspective. We don't just service ONE type of new customer. A lot of people don't understand where they need to start. This particular page was created in order to identify those people who are migrating their website from another service, starting completely from scratch, or are simply looking for information in order to utilize what they may have been using in another service. Your comments are appreciated though. We are in the planning stages of rebuilding many of these pages in Web Hosting Hub. We take these criticisms seriously and we plan to work to build a better support site. It does appear that you're simply trying to find a software that lets you build a website from scratch. We don't support only ONE type of software to build a site from scratch. If you want a guide that takes you through building a simple website, then try the Builder guide. If this solution is too simple and not a good fit, then you may want to look at one of the most widely used softwares for building websites on the internet:Wordpress. I hope this helps to provide an alternative. We do understand that you were frustrated in using this article, but we do hope the answers above provide you with an answer to your website needs. If you require any further assistance, please let us know. Kindest regards, Arnel C. |
n/a Points
2014-12-02 8:35 pm
This is your new customer info that leaves me wondering what to do next? My site apparently is live, which I'm not ready for and can't find a way to edit the header!
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-12-18 6:54 pm
Hello Lisa,
Thank you for contacting us. If you do not want your site to be live, you can password protect the site. Then the site will only be accessible after logging in. We are happy to guide you in editing the header, but will need some additional information. What type of CMS are you using? For example, are you using WordPress, Concrete5, Joomla, etc. Thank you, John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-12-08 9:25 pm
I need to know how to change name servers
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-12-18 6:50 pm
Hello Wild Cactus Rose,
Thank you for contacting us. You can change your nameservers in AMP, if your domain is registered with us. If your domain is registered elsewhere, we have some additional guides for DNS and Nameserver Changes. Be sure to allow time for the DNS change to propagate. Thank you, John-Paul |
n/a Points
2014-12-14 2:50 am
I have an account with Web Hosting Hub, and I am looking for a solution to the problem "404 Page Not Found." Distressingly, this page keeps showing up every time I test out my Word Press blog's function-ability, as per web pages. Can you help me find a true solution to this problem?
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2014-12-18 4:54 pm
Hello Noel,
Apologies for the delayed answer. 404 means the page cannot be found on the server. WordPress doesnt actually have pages, however, as it creates them on demand by taking data out of the database to do it. This means when a WordPress gives a 404 that data may have been deleted from the database. But, if you are getting that for multiple pages, etc, it normally means that something has changed in the .htaccess file that governs redirects and the perma links. The first test, and one that usually works, is to disable permalinks, save, and then re-enable them. This can be done by clicking into the 'Permalinks' section of 'Settings' found on the admin dashboard. Kindest Regards, Scott M |
n/a Points
2014-12-18 8:26 am
Hi... i am newby for bloging... i need some advice... yesterday i bought hosting and domain called "" after doing some work.. i relaized that it should be call "port" not "poke" then i purchase another domain called "".. then my question is how to activated the new domain? since i need to transfer the file from old domain to the new one. and also how to swich the new domain become primaliry? please advice. Rgds, Hasan |
Staff 12,339 Points
2014-12-18 6:45 pm
Hello Hasan,
Thank you for your question. Please contact Live Support as soon as possible, so they can attempt to cancel the incorrect domain name you purchased. You can request a primary domain change in AMP. That guide includes additional information on the process. Thank you, John-Paul |
n/a Points
2015-01-01 7:54 am
Hi Johnpaul, I am non tech savy for starters. My problem is unable to get in to wordpress via web host even after downloading it successfully and under current listings heading it show a previous web site which was done by others evidently in joomla which isn't live. All I reallly wish to do is delete somehow the old web page and when i do this removal of the current listing it remove joomla or wordpress so Ihave to download it again and then it still brings up the old website again. I just wish to start with a new one but unable to get into my dashboard page in WP after logging in to commence a new page. I am a wits end where to go to from here. Look forward to your reply, kind regards
![]() Staff 1,198 Points
2015-01-02 6:15 pm
Hello Rob,
Could you please provide us your domain so we may try to replicate the issue further? I would recommend removing both installations completely then re-install wordpress. Also I would advise clearing your browsers cache. Kindest Regards, TJ Edens |
n/a Points
2015-01-25 5:32 pm
Hi, I just set up my account last night and have yet to receive the confirmation phone call. I tried to call the number e-mailed to me but I couldn't get through - perhaps because I live in Ireland, maybe there is an areq code i need?
I'd like to start working on my site as soon as possible. Hopefully somone can help me. Kit. |
Staff 17,314 Points
2015-01-26 8:00 pm
Hello Kit,
Sorry for your problem with the confirmation. Generally, Confirmations occurs within 30 minutes. If they cannot reach you by phone, then they will send an email. If you continue to have problems, then please contact our Billing team via phone/chat/email for clarficationon the issue. You would need to use the long distance number for the call 1-757-416-6627. Regards, Arnel C.. |
n/a Points
2015-01-28 1:39 am
So I am really un tech savvy and when I registered/set up my domain I accidentially put in the wrong email address, is there anyway I can change the email address i used?
Thanks |
![]() Staff 2,342 Points
2015-01-28 2:09 am
You may change the contact information from within AMP.
n/a Points
2015-01-28 2:34 am
I am a complete novice and am trying to create a blog. I have installed Wordpress via my cpanel but when I click on url I get the following message: Not FoundThe requested URL /wp-admin/ was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Any step by step that I could follow or checks that I should make would be appreciated. |
![]() Staff 2,342 Points
2015-01-28 2:47 am
Ensure that you did not install it to a subdirectory. Within Softaculous, if you have anything within the In Directory field, it will be installed in a different subdirectory on your site which would cause 404 errors if not accessing that directory. If you want it to run on your main site, simply leave the "in directory" field blank.
n/a Points
2015-02-03 8:30 pm
It's quite good. No improvements required for my best knowledge .
n/a Points
2015-09-27 4:16 pm
I've just changed my domain name and installed WP. But I can't access the site admin, and it's ( not showing online. Where is it, and why can't I get to it? |
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2015-09-28 9:38 pm
Hello Craig,
I am not seeing any WordPress files on your site. If you attempted to install via Softaculous, make sure you do a proper Uninstall and then try again. It should work for you. Kindest Regards, Scott M |
n/a Points
2015-12-04 8:41 am
I didnt read all of the above comments, but enough of them to kind of chuckle because, unfortunately, you staff people are passing the buck. Your initial sign-up jargon does make it sound as if a website is almost self-starting. Not so. Your use of technical jargon is intimidating when even those of us who have had other websites still can't follow the 'easy' set-ups. My biggest issue has been that the web host I have been with does not allow for easy migration which meant I have spent several months having to copy and paste all of my products (over 200) to a word program and then I will again have to do the same thing somewhere on a website I am hoping to get started with soon. My attempt to start my website when I was using the same 'name' was a dead-stop plan. I really need some 'techie' type to set up an easy to understand outline to get me to a website for ecommerce. I recently experienced a computer crash, but luckily my husband transferred data to a hard drive just prior to that happening. However, I was unable to retrieve pertinent information from HUB to get started where I left off because that communication was lost. I don't know what information you have from communication between myself and your technical staff, but I sure could use some 'refreshing'. Thanks! |
Staff 17,314 Points
2015-12-04 6:25 pm
Hello BJ,
Apologies for the problems that you're having with setting up your ecommerce site. I went ahead and re-sent your Account Management Panel (AMP) information through the email associated to your account. It appears you're using a .Live email with your account, so you should be able to access your emails and search for InMotion to find any previous communications through your web access to .live email. If you require further assistance, we're happy to help, but we need to know where you're stuck. Do you need login information? Were you getting an error? Give us a little information about how we can help. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C. |
n/a Points
2016-03-02 5:37 pm
-i "bought" my domain from you -i installed wordpress -if i type it says something like "couldn't connect to server" what am i missing? why can't i get going? please help. thanks |
Staff 17,314 Points
2016-03-03 11:05 am
I'm sorry you're having problems with connecting to the server. However, in order for us to help you, we need to know what domain you're trying to use to connect. If you are a Web Hosting Hub customer we can look at your account to troubleshoot the problem. Please provide us with that information and we will look into why you can't connect. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C. |
n/a Points
2016-03-08 8:43 pm
I also bought a domain from you and installed Wordpress, but I am not able to access it form the internet. I have no prevous experience creating blogs, so I am not sure if I am missing something. The domain is:
I will appreciate your help. |
![]() Staff 1,348 Points
2016-03-08 10:56 pm
Hello, Antonio, thank you for your question. I advise you submit a ticket to ourLive Support so they can check the registration status of your domain. From everyhing I see here it looks like you did your installation correctly.
n/a Points
2016-03-10 8:02 pm
Hello Support Staff,
Someone I respect recommended I use this webhosting service. I did. I registered yesterday and paid. But I want out. You promised a money back guarantee, I want it please.
I don't understand half of the jargon you guys use here and it is already tiring. I can't spend all my day trying to understand these tech stuff.
My problem is that I downloaded wordpress and installed as recommended. But when I clicked on it to go to my dashboard, I was taken to godaddy which is where I bought the domain from.
Please, I don;t wish to continue with your service. Itried to contact the '24/7' support and nobody has given me any help.
Can I please get back my money please? my website is |
Staff 12,339 Points
2016-03-11 1:57 am
Hello Toby,
Thank you for contacting us. Sorry to hear you wish to cancel. Since this is just our public forums, I recommend notifying our Live Support team so they can process your refund. Yes, I tested your site, and it is still pointed to Godaddy. Pointing to our nameservers will allow your site to resolve to our servers withing 24 hours. Thank you, John-Paul |
n/a Points
2016-06-13 5:40 am
I am a complete newbie, my website was built by human proof designs and sent to web hosting hub for hosting. So which of the starting guides (migrating your site, build a new site or using FTP) should I start with.
![]() Staff 16,266 Points
2016-06-13 9:35 pm
You would likely need to start with the migrating guide until your site is transferred.
n/a Points
2016-08-06 4:45 am
This is a fine article.
I see in the comments section that many true first time users are upset. I think that when people make a new account it would help if they could understand: 1) web hosting vs domain hosting 2) how a file tree works 3) the difference between "coding" and using a CMS. IMHO, people want starting a website to be as easy as posting to facebook but it's really a lot more involved. More like actually buying a car and learning how to drive and then looking at a map and driving to a destination vs getting on a bus. Sure it takes practice, but anyone can figure out how to finance a car, get it in your driveway, and use a map key. It just takes a little time. |
n/a Points
2017-02-23 9:24 pm
What is needed is a simple STEP by STEP (without jargon) set of instructions for getting a website built on WordPress moved to WebHosting. |
Staff 12,339 Points
2017-02-24 3:41 am
We have a helpful section on how to Migrate your WordPress Site to Web Hosting Hub here in our help center. It includes step by step guides to help you get your site over.
If you need assistance moving your site, you can request a Website Transfer request from AMP. Thank you, John-Paul |
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